BJP leader beaten up by English news reporters for not commenting against Intolerance and Modi.
BJP leader beaten up by English news reporters for not commenting against Modi
There has been a common perception among masses that most of the English news journalists are Left wingers while BJP is right wing. Many instances of mud throwing have been seen before between the media and politicians. But it has mostly been observed that the media personnel are on the receiving end.
But a recent incidence shows the story with a different end. Apparently an English news reporter was taking interview with a BJP leader. He was trying to convince the politician to say something bad about Modi and intolerance which was rejected. Even after tempting the BJP MLA for a prime time interview of his, journo was unsuccessful.
This made him so desperate that he started kicking and beating the leader. With him joined the cameraman, who forgot to switch off the camera and the whole episode came like on TV. journos have been reporting the actual incident and we have also taken video of the it. Please check the video here.